Glass Suncatcher -

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DESCRIPTION: This lovely suncatcher is made with colourful glass and is enhanced with finely painted lines to bring out the details, all within a 6-inch metal hoop. Suncatcher comes with a chain, suction pad and a hook. It is designed to be hung near light sources (usually in a window) as a decorative piece. 

SYMBOL: The witch symbolizes the power of the woman who can heal, her knowledge of plants allowing her to concoct potions. As a woman, she feels a deep connection to Mother Earth and attempts to resolve situations in an organic, therapeutic, and natural way. The witch also represents mental powers such as clairvoyance or premonition.

SYMBOL: The Moon Goddess grants our wishes and guides our dreams. She possesses the ultimate creative power and oversees the life, death, and rebirth cycle. The Moon Goddess bestows fertility, independence, courage, strength, confidence, intuition and aids one to become fully developed. She is the symbol of female power and clarity.

SYMBOL: The pentacle is a symbol of protection. It is also a symbol of beauty and harmony. The number 5 represents the human body. There are also 5 virtues, Love, Wisdom, Truth, Kindness, Justice. In the efforts that we make to manifest these 5 virtues, the Divine protection usually attributed to the pentacle becomes effective.

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