Magic of Nature

Article number: 9780738767857
Availability: In stock

Featuring easy-to-use exercises, spells, rituals, and meditations, this enlightening book helps you reconnect with healthy, natural living and wake up your buried instincts. Jessica Marie Baumgartner shows you how to embrace the power and wisdom of your inner voice, which strengthens your magical practice and inspires you to live with purpose. As technology has advanced, we have distanced ourselves from nature but our connection still remains. Now is the time to reopen that line of communication. This down-to-earth book is full of guidance on preparing the body, mind, and spirit as you hike, hunt, swim, garden, sleep outdoors, and more. You'll even find practices to use when you can't be directly in nature. This indispensable resource is perfect for enhancing your spirituality, tuning in to the natural energies around you, and learning to trust in yourself.

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